Monday, April 5, 2021

The Supreme Court


The Supreme Court is the highest court in the US government. Surprisingly enough not too many people know how the Supreme Court operates and what goes on inside the Supreme Court. One thing that I learned from watching the Supreme Court video was that all nine Supreme Court Justices sit on the stand and listen to proceedings. I previously thought they only reviewed cases and only one would step foot in the court room if needed. One key part of the Supreme Court is that most of their day is spent reviewing written petitions from anyone from councilmen trying to prove that a lower courts ruling is false or a prisoner writing out that he has been wrongfully accused and is innocent. One surprising thing I learned was that after the nine justices are done deliberating they write an opinion. What really surprised me was that the first draft can take up to four weeks to be finished and that it can take many months while each justice tries to convince the other that their opinion is correct. The video made me realize that the Supreme Court actually does a whole lot more than I originally thought. The justices are working day in and day out constantly and they have a substantial work load. 

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