Sunday, May 2, 2021


Awareness. It could mean many different things. You could have awareness about your surroundings or be aware about a assignment thats due. However in this post, we are going to be talking about many different kinds of awareness from propaganda to the Five Eyes theory. Starting off with propaganda, it is usually used to spread ideas,  information and rumors with the idea of either helping or harming a cause or idea. The popularity of propaganda rose around the time of WWI with it being used to sometimes spread false information about the enemy or promote the joining of the military. Propaganda works by manipulating words and pictures to make a idea seem favorable. Propaganda also makes it seem like everyone is doing it or being in support of it by using words like "we" and "must". Now, if propaganda sounds bad thats because it is. Propaganda forces ideas on to society and almost forces the public to believe this one particular idea. Propaganda is a perfect example of the Illusory Truth Effect in the way that propaganda repeats the same messages over and over again until the person looking at is believes it. The next topic to be covered is Disinformation. Disinformation is basically a parent idea to the idea of propaganda. Disinformation's main purpose is to spread false information with the intent to mislead. Disinformation can be categorized in many different ways, whether that be fabricated content, imposter content, misleading content, and manipulated content. This basically means that if the public sees this throughout the media they will end up having a profound distrust of it. It also promotes advertising through clickbait. If the advertisement says something that grabs peoples attention bu leads them down a rabbit hole of false information then they will quickly be consumed by false information. The Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 was created to help with the spread of misinformation. Its purpose is to disseminate abroad information about the US. Basically the act's main purpose is to help promote a better understanding of the US to people of the world. The way it does this is through radio and television broadcasting, face to face communication and through other forms of media. The fourth topic is a False Flag. The purpose of a False Flag is to disguise the actual source of responsibility of the operation and pin the blame on another party, whether that be a political party, government party or private party. This method is usually pretty popular among conspiracy theorists when they try to promote their ideas. This idea can be applied to current events being the Capitol riots. The Capitol riots were considered a False Flag since the group of republicans responsible for the attack tried to pin the blame on the democratic party by saying the 2020 election was rigged. The 5th topic breaks the mold a little bit. The topic is the Five Eyes. There isn't too much information on this but what is known is it is comprised of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, The UK and the US and it is primarily all of their intelligence agencies. More information that is known is that all of the information that is shared is top secret and that the information that is usually shared is information on surveillance and intelligence. We also know that the intelligence sharing has expanded since the Five Eyes was formed in 1946. Furthermore, since there is no domestic legislation on intelligence sharing, Five Eyes is being governed by no-one. What is also known is that there are some growth packages that can be roped into the 5 eyes, that being the 9 eyes, 14 eyes, and 41 eyes which at that point includes most of the world. 

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